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Take Part In a Study Examining Mild Asthma

Take Part In a Study Examining Mild Asthma

This study is closed. Researchers at the University of Michigan want to learn more about mild asthma. They would like to better understand patients’ experiences with, and concerns about, mild asthma to help direct future areas of research. Participation will include a...

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What is birch pollen allergy?

What is birch pollen allergy?

Birch trees are trees with beige, silvery or white bark that is often flaky. They are part of the order Fagales and the family Betulaceae of trees. In this order, birch (followed by alder and hazel) is the most problematic tree allergen. Birch pollen allergy is one of...

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Food Allergy Awareness Week

Food Allergy Awareness Week

Did you know that 32 million people live with food allergies in America? This means that it’s likely you know someone who has a food allergy. Food allergies can be a serious health concern.

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Desktop computer, table, and smart phone mocks up showing the Learning Pathways intro page on the screen.

Quick 3-5 minute videos on asthma, allergies, and related conditions.